LassoBook provides the dude ranch community with guest experience management software and services that reflect the hospitality and heart of the industry. We help you to eliminate manual tasks & own your data so you can engage guests with the authentic dude ranch experience.

Guest Experience Platform

Visualize your ranch's reservations on an interactive timeline view

A platform built on the no-code platform Airtable that is customized for you and doesn’t require a developer to make changes.

Understand your guest operations with reporting and dashboards

Never lose track of guest preferences again and deliver a magical experience each time they visit

“Before we started using LassoBook we could not find a guest management system that fit our needs. Our reservations team was doing almost all their work manually of booking guests and keeping track of guest notes and details.

Having a system that works for what we need and automates the repetitive tasks helps free up our team to actually focus on and interact with our guests!

We are incredibly thankful for the team at LassoBook as well who are kind, efficient and very quick to respond and solve anything that comes up.”

Stephanie Geary, Lost Valley Ranch

We chose LassoBook because of their individualized approach, truly focused on dude ranches. A unique feature is the training video collection that enables staff to learn at their own pace and in their own way. In addition, they have a great accountability system to track the tasks of creating your new system and working through the inevitable bugs.

I strongly urge you to consider LassoBook if you’re looking for a system that can be truly tailored to your operation backed by smart, creative, friendly and loyal customer service. Lasso practices the same type of service our ranch aims to deliver to our guests.

Mary Miller, Elkhorn Ranch (Arizona)

Would You Like to Learn More?

You know what you are doing right now for your guest experience management software isn’t working like you hoped, and you want a solution that will just do what you need it to do. LassoBook will partner with you to create the guest experience on your ranch that you envision.